Mate, do you want to go for a drink?

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

News story of the day!

Help! Police! This is not an emergency!

The lady was clearly hysterical. What to do? She felt she needed some serious assistance. So she dialled 999. After all, it was an emergency.

Her call was answered. The operator asked what the trouble was.

"It was basically a lady who had called up and requested police attendance because there was a spider in her bath," recalls the operator, a former civilian employee with the Metropolitan Police.

I also found this funny (written in the readers comments):
Thames Valley Police have on the side of all of their vehicles "fighting crime, disorder and fear" surely this makes calling them for a spider in the bath perfectly legitimate. Utilising the disorder part one could also presumably put in a call for them to come and tidy the house. They are victims of their own buzzwords.


Blogger Wiseman said...

lol thanks for your comment... not sure when you replied, but I havent been on this blog since 2004! But thought I'd reply now, better late than never ;-)

8:09 PM


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