Mate, do you want to go for a drink?

Friday, July 16, 2004

Enjoying the holidays! Ads 18th was the other day... was great, we polished up 7 bottles of champeign:-)
15 june was my first exam - a month ago since they started. Seems like much longer. Last exam was on the 30th. I just hope they went ok:-(

Monday, June 28, 2004


Finally all the exams are done (last one was friday!). (Except my maths retake, but i'm not counting that...). So im out to the pub today and Brannigans in the evening!

When im sitting around i still feel guilty im not doing any work lol, i need to get used to 3 months of doing whatever i want!:-) :-)

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Another exam gone:D

Finished my 2 hr business paper today. Only 4 left to do, next week (another Business, IT x 2 and the second English paper).

Thankfully got a doctors note for my exam, so hopefully they wil be extra lieniant (spelling?). Also got this weekend off work... so lots of revision! (definatly not drinking.)

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

First A&E visit:(

Right in the middle of my exams -
Last night, came out the pub (had 3 pints, so not really drunk). We had decided to the go the chip shop and it was nearing closing time, so we ran the short distance to it. Got within 10 meters, tripped in the middle of the road (didnt put my hands out) and landed streight on my face.

Needed 4 stiches. Got grazes and bruises on my face too:-( Also got a nasty hit to the head, so will need to inform the exam board.

Got my business exam, done the most revision ever today, despite my injuries!

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Off to the pub

Having a break from thinking about doing revision and going to the pub at 8:-) yum!

News story of the day!

Help! Police! This is not an emergency!

The lady was clearly hysterical. What to do? She felt she needed some serious assistance. So she dialled 999. After all, it was an emergency.

Her call was answered. The operator asked what the trouble was.

"It was basically a lady who had called up and requested police attendance because there was a spider in her bath," recalls the operator, a former civilian employee with the Metropolitan Police.

I also found this funny (written in the readers comments):
Thames Valley Police have on the side of all of their vehicles "fighting crime, disorder and fear" surely this makes calling them for a spider in the bath perfectly legitimate. Utilising the disorder part one could also presumably put in a call for them to come and tidy the house. They are victims of their own buzzwords.

3 hours of exam is over!

FINALLY! Its out the way! I can't explain how bad i felt before the exam, i just wanted it out the way.

Not sure how it went, the first question went better than the second. Oh well, just have to wait and see in August when the results arrive...

Today i'm going to have a rest but i also need to revise for my business exam on Thursday, which will be extremely boring!

Monday, June 14, 2004

It is too hot today!

Its 29.2C according to the thermometer in my room.. thats with the window open and my fan going!

What have I done today? nothing much.
A bit of business studies revision, decided not to do much English as i cant really change how good i am now.

Am completely skint, spend too much money on having fun and drinking (not too much really, but anyone over 40 would say it is!)

Branson crosses channel in amphibious car


Invisibility Cloak

BBC NEWS | Technology | Inventor plans 'invisible walls'

An inventor has made an 'invisibility' cloak! Looks like that bond car in the last film is possible...


Was extremely pleased to see how well UKIP did in the European elections. Finally our government will see that a large proportion of the population do not want a European constitution.



Well this is my first post and carries the depressing title of exams:-( My first Alevel exam is tomorrow, English Literature....

As usual not enough revision has been done. I began study leave thinking that i would do at least 4 hours a day, every day... I have been lucky to achieve 2 hours. Never mind, some people have done none (which does actually make me feel better.)